Monday, December 31, 2012

The ABCs of New Year's Resolutions

   2012 was a great year. Because it's time to share those resolutions and because I teach 2nd grade, I thought I'd do mine in ABC Order. :) 

Attempt something scary. I jumped off a cliff once.  No regrets yet. Hmmm....
Balance. Find it. 
Celebrate little victories. Some days we only have little-bitty ones, and that is okay.
Decrease my weekend work. Stay away from school work at least one day. 
Eliminate stuff... maybe get rid something that doesn't have substantial purpose from my cabinets, closet, files, or drawers each week. I don't want to become "that teacher." Uggh...maybe I am. 
Finish painting my "Legacy Chair" be used as an Author's Chair.  My last one started falling apart last year so I started this one last summer. It is filled with words and pictures that are special to me.
My favorite part..."Ever child has a story to tell
and deserves a happy ending." :)

"You have the power to say that this is not
how the story will end."
Giggle daily. I spend my days with 8 year olds.  This shouldn't be hard.
Highlight hope.
Investigate new opportunities.
Journal and blog more.
Keep career conversations coming in my classroom.
Launch a School Scrabble Club. Or at least have Scrabble Game Nights. I love, Love, LOVE Scrabble. We play it various forms of it in our classroom.   Look what one of my students got me for Christmas this year:
Yep! That says "Chocolate Edition," the snow globe has little Scrabble
letters that fall, and the key chain has miniature letters that are magnetic!

Make shorter to do lists.
Never ever ever quit.
Own my mistakes.
Pursue grants.  I haven't written one in years.  It's time.
Quit making piles. File faster. Toss more. (Reread "E")
Read 12 grown-up books. 6 that aren't "good for me."
Sing more often in the classroom and sing it louder.
Take a walking tour through town with my kiddos. We study our town's amazing history. We should go see it up close.
Utilize people who offer to help.
View more ballgames.
Write more thank yous and encouraging notes.
eXcell at hugs and high fives.
Yawn less. This could possibly be my favorite.
Zero in on what is really important!

Here's to learning more than we'll ever be able to teach
and the hope of greatness in those we try to reach.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

We Can Feel Safe At School

We Can Feel Safe At School
This is the title of a book my class wrote last year.  It is the third book in my "collection" by this title, all written for the very same reason.  Brainstorming of  how our school is a special place, how it is filled with people that care about them, and highlighting all of the good things around them that help keep them safe is the best way I've know to deal with the questions that come.  It isn't in my lesson plans for tomorrow. More than ever, I hope I don't have to write another one of these books.
I just want tomorrow to be a normal day.  When I ask my students about their weekend, I hope they tell me about places they went and things they did.  I pray their minds are consumed with Santa's coming, our craft we are making for parents, and what might be our fun activities this final week before the holiday break.  I don't want to hear the words, "Mrs. Price, did you see that shooting on tv?"
That is the moment I now know, from experience, that I must begin to choose my words carefully.  I must lead a discussion with my students, students not much older than the victims themselves, that does not include details which instantly takes away innocence.  Some children will be informed, some over-informed, and others completely unaware.  Somehow, I will have to redirect into an age appropriate, classroom discussion that reinforces how our school is safe and they are safe.... all while convincing myself.

Pray for your child's teach tonight.  We are all thinking the same thing..."Tomorrow will probably not be a normal day."